Which Vitamins deficiency causes hair loss


Hair loss can affect all of us, both men and women. It can be seasonal, chronic, hereditary, or even transient. So different types of hair loss are linked to different causes. To know how to treat it, it is better to first determine the cause. Vitamins is the best way to fulfill the deficiency.

Vitamins For Hair Loss:

Vitamin B:

The B group vitamins stimulate the production of keratin, protein forming the hair and nails. Many food supplements intended to strengthen the hair contain in particular vitamin B8, or biotin, and vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid.

After examining the scientific data, European health authorities have estimated that dietary supplements containing vitamin B8 (biotin) can claim to contribute to the maintenance of healthy hair if and only if these products include at least 7.5 micrograms of vitamin B8 (biotin) per 100 g, 100 ml or per package if the product only contains one portion.

On the other hand, food supplements containing vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) can NOT claim to be essential for the health of hair, nails or skin.

Vitamin B actively participates in the renewal of hair cells and the construction of keratin proteins. It is even considered to be the fuel for hair, as it promotes regrowth. Several types of group B vitamins are essential for our hair, including:

  • Vitamin B2: the latter consolidates the protein structure of the hair
  • Vitamin B3: with its vasodilating effect, vitamin B3 promotes blood flow to the hairline
  • Vitamin B5: it participates in the development of the hair follicle and hydrates it
  • Vitamin B6: it is the vitamin of group B which has the most beneficial influences on hair regrowth. First, participating in the synthesis of taurine, it has an anti-stress virtue, stress that promotes hair loss. Second, it influences zinc to prevent it from inhibiting the enzyme, an inhibition that causes hair loss and hyper seborrhea. Third, it participates in the construction of sulfur proteins in keratin
  • Vitamin B7: it removes impurities from the hair roots
  • Vitamin B8: it fights hyper seborrhea and stimulates the scalp

To fill up on B vitamins, we apply the little phrase that we hear everywhere: “Eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day”. If you’re not sure what to choose, consider carrots, cereals, oranges, bananas, prunes, and eggs. They are not the only ones to contain it.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, carries calcium and sets the level our bodies need. Consuming it helps prevent calcium deficiency, a phenomenon that will weaken the follicle and prevent its renewal.

To avoid calcium deficiency, you can eat foods rich in vitamin D such as smoked cod, cod liver oil, salmon, sardines or mackerel.

Exposing yourself to the sun is also a good source of vitamins by trying to protect yourself and expose yourself to them when the sun is not too hot.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E produces new blood vessels the scalp and grows traffic congestion in this area. The attraction of the hair is then optimal and the fall of the latter is avoided. What foods contain vitamin E? Sunflower seeds, nuts, almonds, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, vegetable oils, avocado, broccoli, and turnip.

Vitamin A

Are you getting enough vitamin A? A deficiency can increase hair dryness, stimulate sebum production, preventing the hair from being naturally hydrated and silky. If you don’t get enough vitamin A, you may be suffering from hair loss. What foods contain this vitamin? Well, carrot, sweet potato, mango, spinach, melon, dried apricots, egg yolk, milk, among many other foods.


Also known as vitamin H, biotin is a vitamin found in small amounts in various foods such as eggs and milk. Its deficiency can affect the health of hair and nails.

Types of vitamins to strengthen hair

Although…. all this does not mean that vitamins do not affect hair! If it is true that it is only in very specific cases that vitamins are the solution for hair loss, the rest can serve as an ideal supplement. For example, in combination with the treatment prescribed by your doctor or for the hair recovery stage following hair implantation.

Beyond vitamins: other dietary supplements for hair

Are there other supplements that can help hair health? In addition to vitamins B, C, and H, hair health will be conditioned by these substances:

Folic acid

This vitamin, also known as B9, is a great ally for improving hair health. Likewise, its deficit can also affect.


Like iron, this mineral helps the body absorb proteins for hair, skin, and nails.


Finally, a lack of protein in the diet can be another trigger for alopecia. Especially in women due to a lack of iron. A list of vitamins and supplements that can help strengthen hair, but that rarely slow or stop alopecia. If you’ve tried everything and want to find a visible and effective solution.

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